
Load More / Infinite Scroll in Dawn 2.0 on Collection Pages

Collections on Dawn theme supports pagination, but this requires customer the load the entire page again to browse through collection pages. You can override this functionality by replacing the pagination in collection with a load more button. Add the button on main-collection-product-grid.liquid And adding this piece of JavaScript code.


(Affordable ) HeyCarson alternative for small and medium stores.

HeyCarson is a pretty well-known name in Shopify Circles. They provide great On-demand Shopify help but at times can be expensive for small medium stores @ $85/hour. If you are looking for more affordable alternatives without compromising on quality, is your answer. Starting at just $49/month for unlimited task, its an ideal solution for […]


(Solved) Liquid error: Could not find asset snippets/load-metafields.liquid

We had several clients reaching out to us to fix this error. The error is cause by GDPR compliance Shopify App. This app pushes 2 liquid files includes in the main theme.liquid file but for some reason fails to create those file in the themes. So when these 2 files are referenced it causes Liquid […]