
Founded by Vishwesh Shetty, at wishit.app we aim to provide affordable Shopify Support and Site Maintenance with unlimited theme edit services to every Shopify Merchant at just $49/month.

Take care of your business while we manage your theme edits for you!

Over last month we have helped several stores fix liquid error, implement custom functionality and help manage theme updates. Click here to checkout our reviews.

How It Works

It’s simple, Just create a task on our dashboard e.g. Increase padding between sections.

Our Shopify Experts would review the task and request theme access for the store.

Once theme access is approved we will work on it. You can create unlimited task in our $49/month plan.

Sample Tasks

  • Fix Liquid Error
  • Remove unused JavaScript
  • Create Scrolling Announcement Bar
  • Scrolling Announcement Bar
  • Fix Padding between elements
  • Make sections full-width
  • Change background color, font etc
  • Hide / Show elements on Mobile / Desktop

Shopify AppStore Link: https://apps.shopify.com/custom-css-plus